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/* $Id: unzip.lib.php,v 1.2 2006/01/17 17:02:31 cybot_tm Exp $ */
* ZIP file unpack classes. Contributed to the phpMyAdmin project.
* @category phpPublic
* @package File-Formats-ZIP
* @subpackage Unzip
* @filesource unzip.lib.php
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Holger Boskugel <vbwebprofi@gmx.de>
* @copyright Copyright © 2003, Holger Boskugel, Berlin, Germany
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @history
* 2003-12-02 - HB : Patched : naming bug : Time/Size of file
* Added : ZIP file comment
* Added : Check BZIP2 support of PHP
* 2003-11-29 - HB * Initial version
* Unzip class, which retrieves entries from ZIP files.
* Supports only the compression modes
* - 0 : Stored,
* - 8 : Deflated and
* - 12 : BZIP2
* Based on :<BR>
* <BR>
* {@link http://www.pkware.com/products/enterprise/white_papers/appnote.html
* * Official ZIP file format}<BR>
* {@link http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/w98ddk/hh/w98ddk/storage_5l4m.asp
* * Microsoft DOS date/time format}
* @category phpPublic
* @package File-Formats-ZIP
* @subpackage Unzip
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Holger Boskugel <vbwebprofi@gmx.de>
* @uses SimpleUnzipEntry
* @example example.unzip.php Two examples
class SimpleUnzip {
// 2003-12-02 - HB >
* Array to store file entries
* @var string
* @access public
* @see ReadFile()
* @since 1.0.1
var $Comment = '';
// 2003-12-02 - HB <
* Array to store file entries
* @var array
* @access public
* @see ReadFile()
* @since 1.0
var $Entries = array();
* Name of the ZIP file
* @var string
* @access public
* @see ReadFile()
* @since 1.0
var $Name = '';
* Size of the ZIP file
* @var integer
* @access public
* @see ReadFile()
* @since 1.0
var $Size = 0;
* Time of the ZIP file (unix timestamp)
* @var integer
* @access public
* @see ReadFile()
* @since 1.0
var $Time = 0;
* Contructor of the class
* @param string File name
* @return SimpleUnzip Instanced class
* @access public
* @uses SimpleUnzip::ReadFile() Opens file on new if specified
* @since 1.0
function SimpleUnzip($in_FileName = '')
if ($in_FileName !== '') {
} // end of the 'SimpleUnzip' constructor
* Counts the entries
* @return integer Count of ZIP entries
* @access public
* @uses $Entries
* @since 1.0
function Count()
return count($this->Entries);
} // end of the 'Count()' method
* Gets data of the specified ZIP entry
* @param integer Index of the ZIP entry
* @return mixed Data for the ZIP entry
* @uses SimpleUnzipEntry::$Data
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function GetData($in_Index)
return $this->Entries[$in_Index]->Data;
} // end of the 'GetData()' method
* Gets an entry of the ZIP file
* @param integer Index of the ZIP entry
* @return SimpleUnzipEntry Entry of the ZIP file
* @uses $Entries
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function GetEntry($in_Index)
return $this->Entries[$in_Index];
} // end of the 'GetEntry()' method
* Gets error code for the specified ZIP entry
* @param integer Index of the ZIP entry
* @return integer Error code for the ZIP entry
* @uses SimpleUnzipEntry::$Error
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function GetError($in_Index)
return $this->Entries[$in_Index]->Error;
} // end of the 'GetError()' method
* Gets error message for the specified ZIP entry
* @param integer Index of the ZIP entry
* @return string Error message for the ZIP entry
* @uses SimpleUnzipEntry::$ErrorMsg
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function GetErrorMsg($in_Index)
return $this->Entries[$in_Index]->ErrorMsg;
} // end of the 'GetErrorMsg()' method
* Gets file name for the specified ZIP entry
* @param integer Index of the ZIP entry
* @return string File name for the ZIP entry
* @uses SimpleUnzipEntry::$Name
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function GetName($in_Index)
return $this->Entries[$in_Index]->Name;
} // end of the 'GetName()' method
* Gets path of the file for the specified ZIP entry
* @param integer Index of the ZIP entry
* @return string Path of the file for the ZIP entry
* @uses SimpleUnzipEntry::$Path
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function GetPath($in_Index)
return $this->Entries[$in_Index]->Path;
} // end of the 'GetPath()' method
* Gets file time for the specified ZIP entry
* @param integer Index of the ZIP entry
* @return integer File time for the ZIP entry (unix timestamp)
* @uses SimpleUnzipEntry::$Time
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function GetTime($in_Index)
return $this->Entries[$in_Index]->Time;
} // end of the 'GetTime()' method
* Reads ZIP file and extracts the entries
* @param string File name of the ZIP archive
* @return array ZIP entry list (see also class variable {@link $Entries $Entries})
* @uses SimpleUnzipEntry For the entries
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function ReadFile($in_FileName)
$this->Entries = array();
// Get file parameters
$this->Name = $in_FileName;
$this->Time = filemtime($in_FileName);
$this->Size = filesize($in_FileName);
// Read file
$oF = fopen($in_FileName, 'rb');
$vZ = fread($oF, $this->Size);
// 2003-12-02 - HB >
// Cut end of central directory
$aE = explode("\x50\x4b\x05\x06", $vZ);
// Easiest way, but not sure if format changes
//$this->Comment = substr($aE[1], 18);
// Normal way
$aP = unpack('x16/v1CL', $aE[1]);
$this->Comment = substr($aE[1], 18, $aP['CL']);
// Translates end of line from other operating systems
$this->Comment = strtr($this->Comment, array("\r\n" => "\n",
"\r" => "\n"));
// 2003-12-02 - HB <
// Cut the entries from the central directory
$aE = explode("\x50\x4b\x01\x02", $vZ);
// Explode to each part
$aE = explode("\x50\x4b\x03\x04", $aE[0]);
// Shift out spanning signature or empty entry
// Loop through the entries
foreach ($aE as $vZ) {
$aI = array();
$aI['E'] = 0;
$aI['EM'] = '';
// Retrieving local file header information
$aP = unpack('v1VN/v1GPF/v1CM/v1FT/v1FD/V1CRC/V1CS/V1UCS/v1FNL', $vZ);
// Check if data is encrypted
$bE = ($aP['GPF'] && 0x0001) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$nF = $aP['FNL'];
// Special case : value block after the compressed data
if ($aP['GPF'] & 0x0008) {
$aP1 = unpack('V1CRC/V1CS/V1UCS', substr($vZ, -12));
$aP['CRC'] = $aP1['CRC'];
$aP['CS'] = $aP1['CS'];
$aP['UCS'] = $aP1['UCS'];
$vZ = substr($vZ, 0, -12);
// Getting stored filename
$aI['N'] = substr($vZ, 26, $nF);
if (substr($aI['N'], -1) == '/') {
// is a directory entry - will be skipped
// Truncate full filename in path and filename
$aI['P'] = dirname($aI['N']);
$aI['P'] = $aI['P'] == '.' ? '' : $aI['P'];
$aI['N'] = basename($aI['N']);
$vZ = substr($vZ, 26 + $nF);
if (strlen($vZ) != $aP['CS']) {
$aI['E'] = 1;
$aI['EM'] = 'Compressed size is not equal with the value in header information.';
} else {
if ($bE) {
$aI['E'] = 5;
$aI['EM'] = 'File is encrypted, which is not supported from this class.';
} else {
switch($aP['CM']) {
case 0: // Stored
// Here is nothing to do, the file ist flat.
case 8: // Deflated
$vZ = gzinflate($vZ);
case 12: // BZIP2
// 2003-12-02 - HB >
if (! extension_loaded('bz2')) {
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') {
} else {
if (extension_loaded('bz2')) {
// 2003-12-02 - HB <
$vZ = bzdecompress($vZ);
// 2003-12-02 - HB >
} else {
$aI['E'] = 7;
$aI['EM'] = "PHP BZIP2 extension not available.";
// 2003-12-02 - HB <
$aI['E'] = 6;
$aI['EM'] = "De-/Compression method {$aP['CM']} is not supported.";
// 2003-12-02 - HB >
if (! $aI['E']) {
// 2003-12-02 - HB <
if ($vZ === FALSE) {
$aI['E'] = 2;
$aI['EM'] = 'Decompression of data failed.';
} else {
if (strlen($vZ) != $aP['UCS']) {
$aI['E'] = 3;
$aI['EM'] = 'Uncompressed size is not equal with the value in header information.';
} else {
if (crc32($vZ) != $aP['CRC']) {
$aI['E'] = 4;
$aI['EM'] = 'CRC32 checksum is not equal with the value in header information.';
// 2003-12-02 - HB >
// 2003-12-02 - HB <
$aI['D'] = $vZ;
// DOS to UNIX timestamp
$aI['T'] = mktime(($aP['FT'] & 0xf800) >> 11,
($aP['FT'] & 0x07e0) >> 5,
($aP['FT'] & 0x001f) << 1,
($aP['FD'] & 0x01e0) >> 5,
($aP['FD'] & 0x001f),
(($aP['FD'] & 0xfe00) >> 9) + 1980);
$this->Entries[] = &new SimpleUnzipEntry($aI);
} // end for each entries
return $this->Entries;
} // end of the 'ReadFile()' method
} // end of the 'SimpleUnzip' class
* Entry of the ZIP file.
* @category phpPublic
* @package File-Formats-ZIP
* @subpackage Unzip
* @version 1.0
* @author Holger Boskugel <vbwebprofi@gmx.de>
* @example example.unzip.php Two examples
class SimpleUnzipEntry {
* Data of the file entry
* @var mixed
* @access public
* @see SimpleUnzipEntry()
* @since 1.0
var $Data = '';
* Error of the file entry
* - 0 : No error raised.<BR>
* - 1 : Compressed size is not equal with the value in header information.<BR>
* - 2 : Decompression of data failed.<BR>
* - 3 : Uncompressed size is not equal with the value in header information.<BR>
* - 4 : CRC32 checksum is not equal with the value in header information.<BR>
* - 5 : File is encrypted, which is not supported from this class.<BR>
* - 6 : De-/Compression method ... is not supported.<BR>
* - 7 : PHP BZIP2 extension not available.
* @var integer
* @access public
* @see SimpleUnzipEntry()
* @since 1.0
var $Error = 0;
* Error message of the file entry
* @var string
* @access public
* @see SimpleUnzipEntry()
* @since 1.0
var $ErrorMsg = '';
* File name of the file entry
* @var string
* @access public
* @see SimpleUnzipEntry()
* @since 1.0
var $Name = '';
* File path of the file entry
* @var string
* @access public
* @see SimpleUnzipEntry()
* @since 1.0
var $Path = '';
* File time of the file entry (unix timestamp)
* @var integer
* @access public
* @see SimpleUnzipEntry()
* @since 1.0
var $Time = 0;
* Contructor of the class
* @param array Entry datas
* @return SimpleUnzipEntry Instanced class
* @access public
* @since 1.0
function SimpleUnzipEntry($in_Entry)
$this->Data = $in_Entry['D'];
$this->Error = $in_Entry['E'];
$this->ErrorMsg = $in_Entry['EM'];
$this->Name = $in_Entry['N'];
$this->Path = $in_Entry['P'];
$this->Time = $in_Entry['T'];
} // end of the 'SimpleUnzipEntry' constructor
} // end of the 'SimpleUnzipEntry' class